Sliding Scale Prices
Accessibility is a key component of our work. We offer 3-tier sliding scale prices for all of our offers:
1. Subsidized
2. Standard
3. Abundant
Subsidized prices are typically reserved for BIPOC and LGBTQ+
Other energy exchanges are open for discussion.
Modes of Payment
Credit/Debit Cards
Our Curriculum
At Entheogration we have created a Curriculum that operates in 3 stages:
1. Preparation
2. Ceremony
3. Integration
In this stage, we work together to prepare the mind, body, and spirit to deepen the journey that you have already begun. Your medicine journey began the first moment you heard about the medicine!
Before we even begin the in-person or virtual preparation sessions, you will be asked to complete a health intake form and a self assessment of your past, current, and future states. We understand this is confidential and private information and we commit to protecting your privacy, and only using the information you share with us to support your journey. ​
Some highlights of the preparation stage include:
confirming expectations for our work together and boundary setting
historical and cultural teachings of the medicine
intention work
harm reduction
email or text support
strengthening of personal resources with: yoga (meditation and breathwork), somatic practices, and more.
energetic and physical cleansing
know your rights regarding medicine use
shadow work
ancestral and spirit guide work
shamanic journeying
set and setting work
chakra clearing and activation
daily reflection guides and writing and audio prompts
and much more!
*The preparation stage can be as long as desired outside of our minimum requirements, and this timing depends on the effort you are willing and able to put into it. We require a minimum of 2 preparation sessions for microdosing work, and 3 minimum sessions for ceremony work.
In the ceremonial stage, we gather in creating and honoring a sacred space to connect with entheogenic medicine in person. Depending on the specific medicine and the effects, some ceremonies can last from 5-8 hours.
You can expect to:
be supported throughout the whole journey
be provided nourishing beverages and food when appropriate in the journey
receive ceremonial music as well as sound healing
energetic and spiritual support and protection
a non-judgemental and safe container for your journey, as elaborated on in our contract signed before beginning our work together.
*Location and length of the ceremony vary. As we work with intention, and set and setting we will decide this together.
The integration stage is often considered the most important, and sometimes the most difficult, part of this journey. In this stage, which can last weeks, months and even years, we strive to support you in connecting your experiences during ceremony and implementing them into your daily life through intentional and conscious practice.
What you can expect:
a minimum of 3 virtual and/or in-person sessions
email and text support
reflections and daily writing and audio prompts
somatic practices
accountability support
chakra and energy work
sound healing
and much more!
*Additions and adaptations are welcomed in order to suit your desires and needs for this process. The medicine path, like anything in life, is not a one-size-fits-all process. We are delighted to provide customized care with pure and loving intentions.

Soul to Soil:
Preparation, Dose
and Integration
Microdosing is the practice of taking very small doses of medicine to connect on the subconscious and semi-conscious levels.
Together, we will create a customized schedule of usage and reflection during the preparation stage. This package is a 3-month-long container. Please refer to the curriculum section for more details on the preparation and integration sessions.
This Microdosing package includes:
Health intake form and self-assessment
3 preparation stage sessions
3 integration stage sessions
Daily observation and reflection prompts
Email and text support
Choice of Cacao or Rapé Ceremony
Ongoing access to a weekly private integration circle
The Entheogration Microdosing Workbook
The package at a minimum includes the above support. Additional support, such as additional sessions and text support, are available upon request and for additional fees. Partner and small group options are available as well. This package takes place over the span of at least 8 weeks and can be extended as desired.
*We do not provide microdosing medicine. You are asked to acquire your own.
Please inquire by email to receive more detailed information about our package curriculum and with any questions.
Camille*, France
“I feel such a deep peace after working with Merryn... my nervous system feels deeply nourished in her presence! During every session together (we've had over 12), we practice self and co-regulation. I use some of those techniques every day now!"
*names changed to
protect privacy
Carol*, PA
"I’m so grateful for the space that you created for this ceremony! I continue to integrate and feel the effects of the whole experience in my life two weeks after. It came at a special time and helped me get in touch with what I needed to sit with to feel comfortable in my new home having just moved back to [my hometown]. I loved that the experience started before hand with the dieta and appreciate that you provided us with so much knowledge about this sacred practice before and during the ceremony. I’m so excited to continue to learn these practices which have brought so much intentionality into my practice with you and this community. Thank you Merryn!"
Lisa*, NY
“At first, I was a bit annoyed at how "slow" we were moving during the microdosing contianer. 3 weeks into our work together, I realized.. that was the point! And I booked an extra 4 months of support for a microdosing container with Merryn (before even starting the protocol part!). Her patience, care, and attention to detail are well worth it- it is almost impossible to find a price this good for such quality work!”
Soul to Soil:
Entheogenic Ceremony;
Preparation, Ceremony, and Integration
An Entheogenic Ceremony is an opportunity to connect deeply with sacred plant medicine in a safe and supported space. Preparation beforehand and integration sessions afterward are required for each client as part of our commitment to ceremonial work. This package is a 4-month container. Please refer to the curriculum section for more details on the preparation and integration sessions.
This Ceremony package includes:
Health intake form and self-assessment
3-5 preparation stage sessions
4-5 integration stage sessions
Daily observation and reflection prompts
Email and text support
Choice of Cacao or Rapé Ceremony
Ongoing access to a weekly private integration circle
The Entheogration Macrodosing Workbook
And more!
The package at minimum includes the above support. Additional support, such as additional sessions, are available upon request and for additional fees. Partner and small group options available as well. This package takes places over the span of at least 12 weeks and can be extended as desired.
Prices varies based on location. Please inquire through email.

Sound Bath Sessions
Sounds and frequencies can provide profound cellular healing on the physical, energetic, and spiritual levels. Working with and receiving sound may also increase your ability to integrate altered states of consciousness. Each singing bowl is tuned to one of the 7 main chakras.
Read more about the benefits of sound baths from the perspective of a biophysicist here. Or, if you're more into scientific articles and measured outcomes check out Goldsby et al.'s work here.
Sound bath sounds and vibrations with Entheogration may include 432 Hz crystal singing bowls, the hang pan / hand drum, Tambor drum, mouth harp, rattles, the voice, flutes, chimes, and more.
Sessions can be full-body and/or specified to an area of the body.
Receive sound bath sessions virtually, in person as well as in private or a group setting.

Cyclical Living:
1:1, workshop, retreat
We are nature. We a governed by cycles and phases whether we are conscious of it or not. The moon cycle, the menstrual cycle, and the seasons are cycles to live by. In this Cyclical Living container, you will learn how to consciously tune in to the cycles, phases, and seasons in your own body and your geographic location. This container offers a space of exploration to come home to, a remembrance of who you are and where you've come from to light the path to where you are headed.
This container is a minimum of one month support, with virtual or in-person meetings once a week.

Yoga Sessions:
1:1, small group, workshop, retreat
Yoga means 'union' in sanskrit. We offering teachings on asanas (posture), the yamas and niyamas (guiding principles), mantra, mudra, chakras, pranayama (breathwork), dhyana (meditation), and more to connect the mind, body, and soul. Our teachings are trauma-informed with a healthy dose of neuroscience and nervous system regulation.
Custom sessions are encouraged. Combined sound healing and yoga sessions are available upon request.

I offer consultation to small businesses, event producers, non-profits, and corporations on topics such as:
•Psychedelic Harm Reduction
•Plant, Fungi, and Animal Medicine
•Trauma-responsive Care
•Integration Strategies
•Ethical psychedelic business strategies
•Psychedelic risk management
And much more.